Meet Us

Hi there!
We're the Lewises! My husband Steffen and I live with these adorable kiddos in southern Indiana. I was a teacher for 5 years before we had our first son. I had a rough battle with postpartum anxiety that lasted several months. I went back to full time work when he was 6 months old and was told over and over that I would "adjust." I never did. So I quit teaching and moved to a part time job where I anticipated I could "adjust" to being a working mama with less hours. It never happened. I was searching and begging God to help me find something where I could be a mom more, but also reach others and fulfill a purpose outside of the home. Towards the end of 2023, I talked my husband into taking over S+C so that I could be home more with our boy. Shortly after, we got pregnant with our second. And now here I am typing this introduction to you all, living my best life with all the ones I love. Pushing myself to be someone my family is proud of, someone they look up to, and someone who inspires them to always have faith and follow God's callings even when you're unsure. I strive for S+C to be a place where mamas & children unite, feel comfortable being themselves, and want to share their stories. I am absolutely grateful for this opportunity to continue this journey and so excited to see where God leads it!
Thank you for being here, we love new friends!
XO- Gracie